Printer Friendly Version CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MARDARIJE @ 3 August 2017 10:43 PM

Between 14th and 17th of July, the canonization of St. Mardarije from Libertyville, the first Serbian Orthodox Bishop of America and Canada, was celebrated at the Serbian orthodox churches in Chicago and Libertyville,

A symposium dedicated to the life of Bishop Mardarije was held during the celebration. The Holy Archdiocese liturgy was held at the Monastery of St. Sava in Libertyville in the presence of the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, Metropolitan Amfilohije, the Bishop of New Gračanica and Midwestern America Longin and other bishops.

The event was also attended by Vladimir Božović, an envoy of the President of the Republic of Serbia, who on this occasion read the letter from the President. A letter with a message from the President can be read (1. and

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